Renowned Author & Women’s Rights Campaigner Rachel Moran joins the NCOSE Team!

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) is thrilled to welcome Rachel Moran to our team!  

Rachel Moran is a widely renowned leader in the anti-sexual exploitation movement. Among her numerous formidable accomplishments, Ms. Moran is the author of the bestselling book Paid For – My Journey Through Prostitutionwhich has been regarded by legal scholar Catharine MacKinnon as “the best work by anyone on prostitution ever.” Paid For has been published in more than a dozen countries and numerous languages including German, Italian, Korean and French, with a Spanish translation currently underway. The US edition of ‘Paid For’ was published by Norton, the USA’s largest and oldest independent publishing house.

Ms. Moran will be joining NCOSE’s international division, the International Centre on Sexual Exploitation (ICOSE), as the Director of International Policy and Advocacy.  

With ICOSE, Ms. Moran will be working to advance international progress in policy and collaborative advocacy with NGOs on key projects. Her international expertise and presence will elevate ICOSE’s work to fight sexual abuse and exploitation and bolster the global abolitionist movement. 

Prior to joining ICOSE, Ms. Moran’s international accomplishments include founding and leading SPACE International, an international organization formed to give voice to women who have survived the abusive reality of prostitution. Ms. Moran is a globally sought-after speaker, having presented to the United Nations, the European Parliament, Westminster Parliament and many other global institutions and prominent places of learning.  

She has worked centrally within the international survivor’s movement to call for the implementation of the Abolitionist (Nordic/Equality) Model worldwide. This legislation decriminalizes those victimized in prostitution and instead criminalizes its facilitators as well as the men who buy sexual access to women and girls. In her homeland, Ireland, Ms. Moran was instrumental in bringing about the introduction of the Abolitionist Model in two separate processes on either side of the Irish border. 

Rachel has been quoted, stating: “The reality of prostitution has been hiding in plain sight for millennia. We all know it, instinctively. That’s why we don’t want our sisters and daughters and mothers in brothels. It’s strange how something we know on a sensory level can elude us intellectually. The reality of prostitution is not complex, it is simple. Controlling what people do sexually is inherently abusive.” 

NCOSE is honored that Rachel Moran has chosen to join our team to continue to fight against the abhorrent systems of sexual exploitation that have persisted internationally for far too long. With her help, we intend to push forward towards a world where all people are free to live and love without the experience or threat of sexual abuse or exploitation of any kind. 

We look forward to the future with determination and hope.

The Numbers


NCOSE leads the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation with over 300 member organizations.


The National Center on Sexual Exploitation has had over 100 policy victories since 2010. Each victory promotes human dignity above exploitation.


NCOSE’s activism campaigns and victories have made headlines around the globe. Averaging 93 mentions per week by media outlets and shows such as Today, CNN, The New York Times, BBC News, USA Today, Fox News and more.

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